Greetings Mt. Prospect Baptist Church family and friends:
Join us for in person worship at 10:00am each Sunday. Doors open at 9:40am wiyh Social distancing and temperature checks. Please wear a mask. If you can't come in person, join us online. You can use the Givelify app to submit tithes and offerings using your mobile devices. Those of you who gave the traditional way, you can mail checks to the church or bring your tithes and offering envelopes to the parking lot after the Worship services on Sundays.
Please stay safe, knowing that Jesus loves you and we are praying for you & your family.
Join in on Live Stream Sermons Sunday Mornings at 10:00am.
Watch on Mt Prospect Baptist Church
YouTube Channel and Facebook page.
Like Us & Subscribe for notifications.
Join us for Wednesday Night Prayer Conference call in sessions each Wednesday at 8:00pm.
Dial 917-900-1022 and use Conference ID: 1507157
followed by # when prompted.
Thank You,
Pastor James E. Potts
He served as a Regional Vice President of the General Missionary Baptist Convention of GA. (2005-2014); served as Vice President at Large (2014-2020). He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Thomas Dorsey Birthplace Foundation, Villa Rica, GA.